Information about inhabitants

The number of the population in Kapuvár had a strong rising tendency (with smaller standstills) until the beginning of the 1900’s. The town’s population numbered 2381 persons at the end of the 1700’s and 8156 persons in 1900.

The number of the population strongly varied in the last century: first it increased, then decreased. It reached its peak in the 1980’s, since then the tendency is unfortunately declining. After several years, the number of inhabitants raised to some extent in 2004.

Population of Kapuvár (turning date: 31 December)

1970: 10,300 persons
1976: 11,000 persons
1980: 11,300 persons
1987: 11,299 persons

2000: 10,958 persons
2001: 10,890 persons
2002: 10,884 persons
2003: 10,872 persons
2004: 10,898 persons
2005: 10,829 persons
2006: 10,802 persons
2007: 10,741 persons
2008: 10,714 persons
2009: 10,628 persons


Number of marriages:
2001: 46      2002: 60      2003: 62      2004: 61      2005: 59      2006: 65      2007: 77      2008: 71      2009: 48

Natural increase (decrease):

Number of births:   
2001: 87     2002: 95      2003: 84        2004: 117      2005: 91     
2006: 89      2007: 99     2008: 92      2009: 102

Number of deaths:       
2001: 127   2002: 140    2003: 136       2004: 115      2005: 132     
2006: 119      2007: 117     2008: 119    2009: 139

Number of in-migrants:  
2001: 87     2002: 143    2003: 141       2004: 178      2005: 151      2
006: 161      2007: 154      2008: 155    2009: 115

Number of out-migrants:   
2001: 115   2002: 104    2003: 169       2004: 154      2005: 179     
2006: 158      2007: 197      2008: 155    2009: 164

Population growth, 2002 :    -6 
Population growth, 2003:   -12 
Population growth, 2004:  +26 
Population growth, 2005:  - 69 
Population growth, 2006:  - 27
Population growth, 2007:  - 61
Population growth, 2008:  - 27
Population growth, 2009:  - 68

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Local Government of the Town of Kapuvár
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